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Ability #1: Innate Strength
Description: This ability raises your base Strength by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #2: Innate Stamina
Description: This ability raises your base Stamina by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #3: Innate Agility
Description: This ability raises your base Agility by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #4: Innate Dexterity
Description: This ability raises your base Dexterity by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #5: Innate Intelligence
Description: This ability raises your base Intelligence by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #6: Innate Wisdom
Description: This ability raises your base Wisdom by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #7: Innate Charisma
Description: This ability raises your base Charisma by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #8: Innate Fire Protection
Description: This ability raises your base Save Vs Fire by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #9: Innate Cold Protection
Description: This ability raises your base Save Vs Cold by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #10: Innate Magic Protection
Description: This ability raises your base Save Vs Magic by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #11: Innate Poison Protection
Description: This ability raises your base Save Vs Poison by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #12: Innate Disease Protection
Description: This ability raises your base Save Vs Disease by 2 points for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #13: Innate Run Speed
Description: This ability will slightly modify your base run speed. This modification does NOT stack with movement rate spell effects.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #15: Innate Metabolism
Description: This ability decreases your food consumption by 10, 25 and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #16: Innate Lung Capacity
Description: This ability increases the amount of air you can hold in your lungs 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100% percent. Rank 6 grants you the permanent ability to breathe underwater and in airless environements.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #17: First Aid
Description: This ability increases the maximum that you can bind wound by 10 percent for each ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #20: Spell Casting Mastery
Description: This ability gives you an increased chance of making your specialization checks. It also reduces your chance to fizzle and increases the chance to lower the mana cost for the spell by 5, 15, and 30 percent.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #23: Spell Casting Fury
Description: The first three ranks of this ability give you a 2, 4, and 7 percent chance to land critical hits with your direct damage spells. Additional ranks further increase that chance.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #25: Spell Casting Subtlety
Description: The first three ranks of this ability make NPCs notice your magical activities 5, 10, and 20 percent less. Additional ranks further enhance this effect.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #26: Spell Casting Expertise
Description: This ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle a spell. The first level affects all spells below level 20. The second, on all spells below level 35. The third, on all spells below level 52.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #27: Spell Casting Deftness
Description: This ability reduces the casting time of beneficial spells that have a duration longer than instant and a cast time greater than three seconds. The ability levels reduce these casting times by 5, 15, and 25 percent.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #28: Natural Durability
Description: This ability increases your maximum hitpoints by 2, 5, and 10 percent. (The percentages are based off of your base hitpoints, which include stamina and stamina effects.)
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #33: Combat Stability
Description: The first three ranks of this ability increase melee damage mitigation by 2, 5, and 10 percent. Additional ranks further increase this effect.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #34: Combat Agility
Description: The first three ranks of this ability increase your melee damage avoidance by 2, 5 and 10 percent. Additional ranks further increase this effect.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #35: Mass Group Buff
Description: This ability turns the next group buff that you cast into a beneficial area effect spell, hitting everyone within its radius, at the cost of doubling the spell's mana usage.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #37: Innate Invis to Undead
Description: This ability allows you to become invisible to the undead, nearly at will, without the need to memorize a spell.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #58: Mend Companion
Description: This ability allows you to cast a quick healing spell on your pet.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #68: Life Burn
Description: This ability allows you to cast a no-resist direct damage spell equal to that of your current hitpoints. The effect drains your life and provides a life bond effect that does 250 damage per tick, for 6 ticks.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #69: Dead Mesmerization
Description: This ability allows you to cast an AE low resist mesmerization spell effective against the undead.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #70: Fear Storm
Description: Allows you to cast an AE low resist fear spell.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #71: Flesh to Bone
Description: This ability allows you to turn any meat or body part item into bone chips. You must hold the item or stack on your cursor. *Warning* This ability will use magical or "no trade" items if they are held on the cursor.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #72: Call to Corpse
Description: This ability allows you to cast a no component summon corpse spell.
Cost per Level: 6

Ability #125: Pet Discipline
Description: This ability will allow you to give your pet a 'hold' command until explicitly told to attack. Usage: /pet hold.
Cost per Level: 6

Ability #141: New Tanaan Crafting Mastery
Description: Training with the sages and merchants of New Tanaan gives adventurers the chance to hone their crafting skills. For each rank of this ability that you purchase, you are able to raise an additional trade skill past its Specialization level (200). (This ability applies to Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcraft, Pottery, and Tailoring.)
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #142: Planar Power
Description: This ability raises the maximum that your statistics can be raised to, with items or spells, by 5 points per rank.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #144: Innate Enlightenment
Description: Those who have meditated on the Plane of Tranquility find themselves able to expand their capacity of both Insight and Intellect. Each rank of this ability raises the maximum that you may raise your Intelligence and Wisdom by ten points. You may train in this ability once each level, beginning at level 61.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #150: Mastery of the Past
Description: This ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle spells below a certain level. Rank 1 - level 54. Rank 2 - level 56. Rank 3 - level 58. Rank 4 - level 62. Rank 5 - level 64. Rank 6 - level 66. Rank 7 - level 67. Rank 8 - level 69. Rank 9 - level 71.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #161: Hastened Mending
Description: This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Mend Companion by ten percent per rank. You may train in this ability once each level, upon reaching level 63.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #175: Wake the Dead
Description: This ability calls the shade of a nearby corpse back to life to serve the Necromancer. The soulless abomination will fight the target, until called back to the afterlife some time later. The slave summoned by the first rank of this ability serves for 60 seconds, and each increasing rank adds 15 additional seconds. You may train the ranks of this ability at or after levels 61, 63, and 65.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #176: Suspended Minion
Description: This ability grants the summoner the ability to suspend and recall their existing pet at will, provided they remain in their current zone. The first rank suspends the pet at its current health only, while the second rank suspends the pet with all of its beneficial effects as well as its weapons and armor. You may cast a second pet while your first pet is Suspended. You may train the first rank upon reaching level 62 and the second rank upon reaching level 64.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #193: Feigned Minion
Description: This ability allows you to instruct your pet to feign death via the '/pet feign' command. Three ranks of this skill are available, causing your pet to succeed 25%, 50%, and 75% of the time, respectively. You gain the ability to train an additional rank at levels 61, 63, and 65.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #214: Theft of Life
Description: This ability grants a chance that the healing effect on your lifetaps will provide an exceptional amount of healing. Additional ranks further increase this effect.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #215: Fury of Magic
Description: Each rank in this ability increases your chance to score a critical hit with your direct damage spells.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #224: Mental Clarity
Description: This ability increases your natural mana regeneration by 1 point per ability level.
Cost per Level: 2

Ability #225: Innate Regeneration
Description: This ability raises your regeneration ability by 1 point per ability level.
Cost per Level: 1

Ability #233: Packrat
Description: Each rank in this ability improves the efficiency with which you store your gear, effectively reducing your overall weight.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #236: Secondary Forte
Description: This ability allows you to advance a second arcane specialization by 50 points. After acquiring this ability, the next specialization to go over your current cap becomes your secondary forte.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #237: Persistent Casting
Description: Your highly developed concentration creates the possibility of continuing to cast spells while stunned. Increased ranks in this ability increase the chance that your spells will not be interrupted by stuns.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #250: Pet Affinity
Description: This ability makes your summoned pets a valid target for beneficial group spells.
Cost per Level: 12

Ability #259: Critical Affliction
Description: This ability grants damage-over-time spells the chance to have a critical effect each tick they are active. Additional ranks improve this chance.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #278: Death's Fury
Description: This ability imbues your pet with the ability to land critical hits.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #279: Quickening of Death
Description: This ability imbues your pet with the ability to flurry attacks.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #318: Dire Charm
Description: This ability gives you the chance to permanently charm an NPC. (Enchanters: All. Druids: Animals only. Necromancers: Undead only.)
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #320: Swarm of Decay
Description: This ability summons a swarm of skeletal archers to harry your foes.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #324: Blacksmithing Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of failing blacksmith combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #325: Baking Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of failing baking combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #326: Brewing Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of failing brewing combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #327: Fletching Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of failing fletching combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #328: Pottery Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of failing pottery combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #329: Tailoring Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of failing tailoring combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #330: Salvage
Description: This ability gives you the chance to automatically recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #331: Origin
Description: Upon using this ability, you will be transported back to your starting city.
Cost per Level: 7

Ability #333: Discordant Defiance
Description: This ability raises the maximum that your resistances can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #334: Mystical Attuning
Description: This ability increases the number of mystical effects that can affect you at once by 1 per rank.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #335: Delay Death
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #783: Energetic Attunement
Description: Energetic Attunement enhances your receptivity to the potential healing power of your magical gear. Each rank of this ability increases the maximum by which your hit point regeneration can be raised with items by 1 point.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #347: Mnemonic Retention
Description: This ability gives you an additional spell slot so you can memorize an additional spell.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #348: Expansive Mind
Description: This ability raises the maximum that your mana regeneration can be increased with items by 1 point per rank.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #352: Arcane Tongues
Description: This ability reduces the chance of failing research combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #364: Persistent Minion
Description: This ability upgrades your Suspended Minion ability to allow pets to remain suspended across zone lines. Also, if you camp with a suspended pet and have this ability, the pet will be available to you when you return.
Cost per Level: 7

Ability #418: Replenish Companion
Description: This ability grants you an enhanced version of the Mend Companion ability. Each additional rank increases the healing power of the ability further.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #366: Advanced Pet Discipline
Description: The first rank of this ability allows you to give your pet a "focus" command. While focused, your pet will ignore all other opponents until its current opponent is defeated. The second rank allows you to tell your pet to not cast any spells. Usage: /pet focus, /pet no cast.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #398: Destructive Fury
Description: Each rank of this ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #428: Death Peace
Description: This ability gives you an additional way to feign death.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #792: Army of the Dead
Description: This ability calls up to five shades of nearby corpses back to life to serve the necromancer. The soulless abominations will mindlessly fight the target until called back to the afterlife some time later. The first rank summons up to three shades that serve for 60 seconds. The second rank summons up to four shades that serve for 75 seconds. The third rank summons up to five shades that serve for up to 90 seconds. Additional ranks increase the power of the shades.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #322: Innate See Invis
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #500: Silent Casting
Description: While active, this ability will reduce the amount of hate you generate when casting spells by up to 20%. Each additional rank increases the maximum that this ability can reduce your hate by an additional 20%.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #497: Bandage Wounds
Description: Each rank in this ability increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #495: Gift of Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 65 to 70 spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 70 or lower spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #524: Blood Magic
Description: This ability allows you to fuel your spells directly from your health instead of from your mana. Blood magic is dangerous, though. Spells will drain more health than they would use mana and every time you cast a spell while Blood Magic is in effect, there's a chance that the penalty will grow. Once you have started using Blood Magic, you cannot stop until it wears off by itself or you die.
Cost per Level: 12

Ability #525: Graverobbing
Description: This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Wake the Dead or Army of the Dead by one minute per rank.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #526: Affliction Mastery
Description: This ability improves the chance that damage-over-time spells will have a critical effect each tick they are active.
Cost per Level: 7

Ability #531: Cloak of Shadows
Description: This ability allows you to become invisible nearly at will, without the need to memorize a spell.
Cost per Level: 12

Ability #532: Willful Death
Description: Each rank in this ability gives you an increasing chance for your feigned deaths to not be revealed by spells cast upon you. At the highest rank, you become immune to feign breaking on a resisted spell and have a good chance of feigning through a spell that successfully lands upon you.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #576: Jewel Craft Mastery
Description: Decreases failure chance of jewel crafting combines by 10, 25 and 50%
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #579: Combat Medic
Description: Increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #581: Quick Draw
Description: Quick Draw expands the potion belt by one additional available item slot.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #582: Battle Ready
Description: Battle Ready expands the bandolier by one additional save slot.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #585: Glyph of Dragon Scales
Description: Once activated, Glyph of Dragon Scales will absorb a large percentage of incoming damage from spells and melee attacks. It will last for 3 minutes or until it has absorbed a total of 10,000 damage.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #587: Glyph of Arcane Secrets
Description: Once activated, Glyph of Arcane Secrets decreases the mana usage of your spells up to level 75 for 15 minutes. Glyph of Arcane Secrets has no effect on complete healing or percentage-based healing spells.
Cost per Level: 4

Ability #588: Glyph of Draconic Potential
Description: Once activated, Glyph of Draconic Potential increases your maximum hit points and mana by between 900 and 1050 for 30 minutes. This glyph does not increase your current hit points or mana.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #589: Glyph of Destruction
Description: Once activated, Glyph of Destruction increases the damage done by your critical melee hits and damage spells by 50% of the base damage for 2 minutes. This ability does not impact melee special attacks.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #740: Blood Tithe
Description: Each rank in this ability further increases your chance to get a critical hit with your damage over time spells by 2% per rank.
Cost per Level: 7

Ability #742: Gift of Radiant Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 71 or higher spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 75 or lower spell you cast to only cost a single point of mana. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #612: Soul Seeker
Description: Soul Seeker lowers the reuse timer of your Lifeburn by 10 minutes per rank.
Cost per Level: 6

Ability #628: Greater Blood Tithe
Description: Each rank in this ability further increases your chance to get a critical hit with your damage-over-time spells.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #629: Gathering Dusk
Description: This ability summons a shadow of gathering dusk that falls across your opponent. This shadow increases the likelihood that your opponent will attack you as it continues to gather over time. When the shadow has fully gathered, it will unleash a curse of duskfall to damage your opponent.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #591: Breath of Draton'ra
Description: Grants you the ability to call upon your dragon bloodline to unleash a breath attack upon your foes, damaging them and reducing their resistance to disease.
Cost per Level: 0

Ability #665: Death's Wrath
Description: Increases the critical hit chance of your pet's melee attacks by 1% per rank.
Cost per Level: 3

Ability #5000: Glyph of Courage
Description: This ability increases the power of many forms of damage and healing.
Cost per Level: 4

Ability #5002: Glyph of Stored Life
Description: Stores some health and vitality in a protective shield around yourself. Some of your wounds will be healed when your protection fades or is lost.
Cost per Level: 4

Ability #5003: Glyph of Frantic Infusion
Description: This ability increases the damage done by your pet in three steps. The first step will increase your pet's minimum damage by 10%, the next by 15% and the final step by 20%.
Cost per Level: 4

Ability #5004: Glyph of Angry Thoughts
Description: This ability increases the hate you generate by 30%.
Cost per Level: 4