Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore compiled by Latan, much information courtesy of Allakhazam's Post a Comment I didn't want to bother with this quest at first because it looked long and tedious. I have since become bored on EQ so started this on my cleric just for a time sink. It's not really as bad as I thought it was. Bring lots of invis potions if you don't have the invis spell! So far I have only done the "solo" parts of the quest and the charm is: 11ac, +7stats, 143hp/mana, +7resists, 5attack, 1regen, 1mana regen, 4avoidance, 1stun resist, rec. level of 5. (no augment) I have also added labels to my TSS maps and all map pack which reflects where the steps are for the charm! They are yellow, and say "SSC #1" for example. I will reflect the #'s here on this site for references sake. I numbered them in such a way that seemed like the natural progression starting in crescent reach, then moving through the TSS zones from there. In other words if you follow the #s you will be progressing through the zones as they appear, avoiding having to gate and/or run from place to place a ton. Or, if you prefer, you can do the quest in such a way where you do the solo section first, then the group section, than the raids, since I also have it organized in that way. MAPS / LABELS here ! If you prefer the actual labels to just paste into your map files rather than downloading maps again you can find the labels at the very bottom of this page. I have broken down the steps by "solo" "group" and "raid" drops. I will also color code them. Note: Many of the "group" drops from mobs are probably soloable by certain classes, providing they are strong enough to kill the given mob. I do not know which mobs summon and which don't, you will have to check that out on your own. Maybe I will update that as I find out which do/don't. Red = ground/chest item. Blue = dropped by mob Green = Quested Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email me, or post a comment on bottom of page |
***SOLO*** (Note: there are mobs around many of these containers which you must open and loot. If you /open them while invis and right click to loot the container quickly, you can usually loot the item in time. You cannot loot these containers while a mob has aggro on you.) Red = ground/chest item. Blue = dropped by mob Green = Quested Crescent Reach [] #1 - Ancient Jewelry Box (/open the pile of bones behind the throne on third floor: -1225, -200) [] #2 - Broken Nokk Insignia (/open discarded bones: +460, -2920) [] #3 - Linguist's Note (a book on a table: second level of the inn, second door on the right, -1605, -1510) Blightfire Moors [] #4 - Ancient Blighted Bark (/open moss-covered rocks: +610, -1275) [] #5 - Murdunk's Rites Beads (/open pile of dusty rocks: +2060, -2060) [] #6 - Petrified Leather Boot Sole (/open ancient rocks: +930, +45) [] #7 - Preserved Hairy Halfling Foot (/open 'where the red flower grows': -1160, -2410 -- a flower amongst the vines) Stone Hive [] #8 - Preserved Kithicor Baneleaf (/open rustling banebloom: +575, -775) Goru`kar Mesa [] #9 - Cracked Waterspring Scepter (/open algae-covered stones: +1575, -45) [] #10 - Devan's Feathered Arrow (/open age-old stones: -480, +1925) [] #11 - Dromrek Worry Stone (quested from Shrynn: +1740, +2890) [] #12 - Oread's Willow Whipvine (/open forgotten bones: -1155, +1970) [] #13 - Sliver of Goru`kar's Willowstaff (/open waving woodblossom: -1070, +135) [] #14 - Sparkling Windwillow Leaf (/open silverspun petals: -600, +30) [] #15 - Split Ravenoak Bow (/open storage crate: +1050, -1160) [] #16 - Thunderhorn of the Tribe (old Tuffein lockbox: -1510, -1095) Blackfeather Roost [] #17 - Silvered Blackfeather Plume (/open feathered fernstem: +2455, -1030) Icefall Glacier [] #20 - Shattered Krithgor Keystone (ground spawn near spell vendors: -2035, -1155) |
***GROUP*** Note: Many of the "group" drops from mobs are probably soloable by certain classes, providing they are strong enough to kill the given mob. I do not know which mobs summon and which don't, you will have to check that out on your own. Maybe I will update that as I find out which do/don't. Red = ground/chest item. Blue = dropped by mob Green = Quested The Steppes [] #18 - Muddy Royal Scroll (dropped by burly hill giants) (Drop rate seems rare) [] #19 - Wulfnor Crown Gem (/open a worn jug: -1645, +800, inside a house with 3 mobs, chieftan sees invis IIRC) Tip: "I just invised inside the building, targeted it, ran outside on the wall closest to it, /open, /tar a_, /loot, and used an invis pot - similar to all the others around mobs. I didn't get any agro - not sure if I would have through the wall eventually or not, but it seemed reasonably easy" - Zayix, Tunare Server Icefall Glacier [] #21 - Cursed Lorekeeper's Quill (dropped by an adult icewing/an elder icewing) Sunderock Springs [] #22 - Doomfount's Essence (dropped by Doomfount, an elemental who spawns at the geysers. ) [] #23 - Elven Child's Vinewand (dropped by Slave Driver Azza in front of Vergalid Mines) [] #24 - Lock of Veldyn's Hair (dropped by Obsidian. Any Basilisk can be his PH, I believe.) [] #25 - Relicstone Torch (dropped by Sulfurog: +2980, +1010) [] #26 - Trinket of the Scale (dropped by Dranadune, a drake who spawns at the geysers. Any Drake near geyser can be his PH.) Vergalid Mines [] #28 - Vergalid Scale (dropped by any undead golem, behind the keyed area in vergalid. Exact names of droppers include: a voidspawn golem, a voidspawn bonefiend, a clattering servant, a bone grafter) Direwind Cliffs [] #29 - Gate Guardian Core (dropped by Guardian of the Gate) Ashengate [] #31 - Core of the Tyrant (dropped by Magmaraug in the west wing) |
***RAID*** Note: I'm not certain on the order for these, I will try to order them from easiest to hardest. Red = ground/chest item. Blue = dropped by mob Green = Quested Sunderock Springs [] #27 - Oblivion's Dark Core (dropped by Oblivion, raid encounter in northwest) Direwind Cliffs [] #30 - Direwind Totem (dropped by Direwind Gust in Severan the Direwind Caller event) Valdeholm: Udengar the Traitor [] #32 - Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon (dropped by Lorekeeper Baeldon) Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale: West [] #33- Ambersnout's Snout (dropped by Ambersnout the Aberration) Frostcrypt: Raid Instance #2 [] #34 - Krithgorian Royal Crest (dropped by Harfange the Black) [] #35 - Runed Sash of the Wraithguard (Dropped by Beltron the Shade King) Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale: North [] #36 - Ebonheart of Lethar the Back (dropped by Lethar, second version) [] #37- Elddar Moonlocket (dropped by Dyn`Leth, Firstborn of Lethar) Red = ground/chest item. Blue = dropped by mob Green = Quested Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email me, |
Map Labels, if you prefer to paste them into your maps rather than
download the zipped maps from my
map page Crescent Reach P 199.6817, 1227.0280, 116.3932, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#1 P 2922.1208, -463.2648, -114.2373, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#2 P 1507.1382, 1602.6699, -66.8932, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#3 Blightfire Moors P 2407.2705, 1155.4580, 182.5984, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#7 P -43.9379, -927.4082, 7.5538, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#6 P 2060.0942, -2062.7539, 19.8526, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#5 P 1277.1420, -616.0406, -86.9578, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#4 Stone Hive P 779.5274, -575.1670, 35.8956, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#8 Goru'kar Mesa P 44.9372, -1575.9636, 46.3757, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#9 P -1926.7762, 482.2381, 51.6479, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#10 P -2902.5083, -1742.1300, 97.4119, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#11_(quest) P -1970.7072, 1153.5345, -40.0741, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#12 P -135.5111, 1077.7231, 80.4344, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#13 P -29.9588, 603.4041, 180.9210, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#14 P 1160.9668, -1053.9685, 68.8370, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#15 P 1098.5720, 1509.3412, 16.5404, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#16 Blackfeather Roost P 1036.0000, -2453.0000, -293.0000, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#17 Icefall Glacier P 1157.0104, 2044.3147, 27.0882, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#20 P 2533.4270, -552.6606, 362.7386, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#21_(griffons_drop) The Steppes P -797.2819, 1659.3121, 9.2805, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#19 P -692.8328, -1583.6160, 182.1612, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#18_(giants_drop) Sunderrock Springs P -747.9420, 773.2660, 203.5893, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#25_(dranadune) P -1291.0582, -2733.0354, 358.9141, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#26_(sulfurog) P -1035.5825, -3212.6174, 362.0269, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#27_(obilvion) P 1138.7665, 1038.3989, 211.5818, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#24_(slave_driver) P -984.9132, 510.5934, 208.8717, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#23_(doomfount) P 1332.3330, 3174.9370, 7.1803, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#22_(obsidian) Vegalid Mines P 1228.3750, -336.8750, -700.0000, 240, 240, 0, 3, SSC_#28_(golems)_need_key Direwind P -1044.2834, -1498.8790, 428.5656, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#30_(severan) P 65.3818, -1908.8586, 385.7180, 240, 240, 0, 2, SSC_#29_(guardians)