Daosheen Audio Triggers
Individual AE's |
AE name | Gem Color | TRIGGER TEXT ("Pattern" box in audio trigger window) |
.WAV file stating color (RIGHT CLICK! TO DOWNLOAD) |
Plague of Mana | green | Your blood is tainted with magical essence | green.wav |
Presence of the Firstborn | red | You are dumbstruck by the presence of the firstborn | red.wav |
Curse of the Firstborn | yellow | A festering darkness saps your strength | yellow.wav |
Smothering Dismay | blue | You lose your will to fight | blue.wav |
1) Log Completely out of everquest. You need to have everquest
completely closed before you save the .wav in the audiotrigger folder or
everquest won't recognize that you have placed new files in the folder.
2) RIGHT click the green.wav link and choose "save target as" .. 3) Save the .wav in your AudioTriggers folder. (everquest>audiotriggers) 5) Log onto everquest. You're now ready to make the new triggers, or replace (with the apply button) the old sounds for your old triggers. 6a) use the TRIGGER TEXT above as the audio triggers.
The raid AE's will be taken care of by
FD classes ideally.
So you may not need to make triggers for these AE's but here they are in case
you do.
We still are not sure if the order in which the gems are clicked matters or not.
Raid AE's |
AE name | Gem Color | TRIGGER TEXT ("Pattern" box in audio trigger window) |
.WAV file stating color (RIGHT CLICK! TO DOWNLOAD) |
Aura of Stone | Red Blue | Daosheen calls upon the elemental forces | aura_of_stone.wav |
Runes of Alliance | Yellow Green | shift as daosheen speaks | runes.wav |
Doom of the Firstborn | red yellow blue green | Your life begins to drain away | deathtouch.wav |
WAV files made with this site: http://www.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php